Stunningly Awful Discovery: The Dirty Dozen of Discovery Don’ts! - Great Demo! and Doing Discovery

Stunningly Awful Discovery: The Dirty Dozen of Discovery Don’ts!

“It is better to ask some of the questions than to know all of the answers.”

– James Thurber


Here’s a collection of poor strategies, failed tactics, bad errors, and faulty discovery that increases the likelihood that your entire sales process will be a failure. I recommend that you avoid these!

If your discovery conversations are not as successful as you wish, consider using this list as an assessment tool. If any of these items occur frequently you may want to make some changes!

What “Don’ts” Are in This Article for You?

Bite-size or full meal learning: Your choice! You can sample each of these on their own or consume the full article. Either way, you win! Here’s the menu:

  • Don’t do discovery at all.
  • Don’t do enough.
  • Use a “disco demo.”
  • Make it an inquisition.
  • Read questions from a long list.
  • Do five minutes of discovery and then present your corporate or product overview.
  • Do five minutes of discovery and then deliver your standard overview demo.
  • Don’t communicate discovery info throughout the team.
  • Ignore key elements that help you avoid No Decision outcomes.
  • Don’t align discovery with job title.
  • Don’t explore cultural attributes.
  • Ignore poor solution “fit” and proceed with the sale.
  • Plus, a special bonus “Don’t!”

Each delightful “Don’t” also includes a solution to help you improve and avoid SAD (Stunningly Awful Discovery) outcomes. Enjoy!


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